Saturday, July 08, 2006


How do you get a good night sleep in Sydney?


For some reason, I have not been sleeping well at the hotel. Most nights, I've been waking up at least one time for no apparent reason. Last night, we returned to the hotel about 4 a.m. and I was still wide awake about 8 a.m. There was nothing I could do to get back to sleep so I took a walk around Sydney and went down to Darling Harbour. The views are breathtaking and it's a great vantage point to get to so much in the city, including some markets, the aquarium, and the casino (where we've sent a few nights already). Once I get onto my computer (I'm on Dan's right now) I'll post pictures I took in the Harbour.

Saturday afternoon was spent on Circular Quay, relaxing a little and kicking back at pub. Some people went to the zoo, which I, as such an animal lover, passed on. It will give me something to look forward to on my return trip to Australia (because I will return).

Debbie and Phil once again opened their house to some of the bowlers for a barbecue dinner, a nice way to enjoy the evening heading into the Masters. I can't say it enough ... the Australians are some of the most hospitible people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and calling my friends. When you are here, you truly feel like you are among friends and family. Simply put, that's how they do it "down under."

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