Thursday, June 29, 2006


Somewhere up in the clouds


Between the actual flight time in the air and the time change, I literally spent all of today in the air. As I said, the flight itself is about 15 hours, plus the 14-hour time difference (which is 17 from the West Coast) and before you know it, and entire day has passed by. If I figured out my sleeping pattern correctly, I needed to stay awake for about the first 6 hours of the flight (until about 10 p.m. Sydney time), and then try to sleep as much as I can until we touch the ground in Sydney. For someone who doesn’t sleep well on airplanes, it was a good plan but not very successful; I probably slept for about three or four hours and then after I woke up that first time just couldn’t get my body to go back to sleep.

It’s actually 5 a.m. Sydney time as I close out this entry. Three hours to go … Sydney, here we come!

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